AWX Part 1 - Installation
AWX is the open source upstream project of the Ansible Tower automation and management platform based on Ansible. Both Ansible and Ansible Tower are provided by RedHat. I plan to use it to automate management and maintenance of the various services such as configuration, software updates, monitoring, and consistent backups using Restic.
Following the installation instructions, there are several options for deploying AWX - OpenShift, Kubernetes, and Docker Compose. For obvious reasons, I’ve chosen Kubernetes.
Grocy - ERP Beyond Your Fridge
Grocy is an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP ) application centered around home management. Essentially, it’s a web-based self-hosted grocery and household management solution. It has features such as:
Tracking grocery purchases Automating grocery lists by tracking inventory and keeping track of frequently purchased items Optimizing shopping by grouping items together in the same parts of the store Manage recipes Meal planning Track household equipment and appliances Track chores and tasks I first tried the Docker version of Grocy, but I couldn’t get it to work correctly.
Nextcloud Part 4 - Cron
Nextcloud needs to be able to execute tasks in the background. It can do this just by executing those tasks whenever any page is loaded via AJAX or webcron, but this will only scale so far. Also, the News app specifically warns that RSS feeds will not be updated in a timely fashion unless cron mode is used.
Usually cron mode means creating a cron entry using the crontab command on the host operating system to execute cron.
Nextcloud Part 3 - Single Sign-On with Keycloak
I started with a guide I found on integrating Keycloak with Nextcloak with OpenID Connect (OID). I will want to open the OpenID Endpoint configuration page from the Keycloak Administration page so it’s handy to reference.
Keycloak Client Configuration # Under Clients, Create a new client:
Client ID - nextcloud Client Protocol - openid-connect Root URL: https://nextcloud.domain.tld Save On the settings page:
Access type - confidential Root URL - https://nextcloud.
Nextcloud Part 3 - NGINX and Let’s Encrypt
To begin, I need to create a Config Map key to store the NGINX nginx.conf file which will handle the connections to the Nextcloud FPM container as well as serve the static content on the persistent storage mounted at /var/www/html.
Add Config Map under Resource..Config:
Name - nextcloud-nginx-config Namespace - nextcloud The key will be called nginx.conf and the value will be this configuration I borrowed from here: